Retirement is the perfect time to become the person you would like to be and do the things you
have always wanted to do. No doubt doing everything you have always wanted to do sounds great. It won’t happen by
itself, however. This is true even if you have excellent health and a big pile of money in the bank when you
#1 Trick for How to Retire
I was unhappy being
retired until
I found the secret to a happy
Retirement planning is important. You must take
steps to ensure that when the bell rings to announce your retirement, you’re ready for what’s in front of you.
The time available for marital, personal, social, creative, and family activities expands considerably when the
hours previously taken up with full-time employment cease. How you manage time is just as important as when you
are in the workforce. A large retirement income and the best retirement advice in the world won't help if
you don't do something intelligent with them.
This I can assure you: You won’t find genuine joy and satisfaction by spending all your time
sleeping, relaxing, loafing, and watching TV, hoping to live up to the ideal of a true idler.
Many retired people with nothing to do wind up depressed and hating retirement. In this regard,
Florida physician Richard Neubauer concluded that many people experience a rapid decline in physical and mental
health soon after retirement — often due to idleness and feelings of uselessness.
The following articles on how to retire happy are a good start:
- Aging and Old Age
Aging and Old Age in Retirement: The Various Fears of Aging and Old Age along with Quotes and Sayings about Old Age and Aging.
- Fun Things to Do When You Retire
Fun Things to Do When You Retire According to The Retirement Café
- Top Ten Activities When You Are Retired
Top 10 Activities to Pursue When Retired and Top-10 Retirement Activities That Are Never Too Late to Pursue Unless You Are Dead
- Health in Retirement
Health in Retirement: Health Is the Best Retirement Gift That You Can Give Yourself: When money is lost, a little is lost. When time is lost, much more is lost. When health is lost, practically everything is lost. And when creative spirit is lost, there is nothing left.
- Retirement Travel
Travel Is the Second Best Retirement Gift for Retirees to Give Themselves - Health Is the First. General Travel Tips for Retirees. Quotes about Travel. Retirement Travel Guide Resources.
- Letters from the Happily Retired
Retirement Letters from the Happily Retired about How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
This is where How to Retire
Happy, Wild, and Free also comes into the picture. For the most part, this book
offers retirement wisdom that you won’t receive from your financial advisor. Contrary to popular wisdom, many
elements — not just having a million or two in the bank — contribute to happiness and satisfaction for today’s
retirees. Indeed, physical well-being, mental well-being, and solid social support play bigger roles than
financial status for most retirees.

How Retirees Can Be Productive Slackers!
Why Most Americans and Canadians Suck at Retirement (Planning)
The Joy of Being Retired
Why Retirement Rocks and Work Sucks
Is Your Retirement Heaven or Hell?
Are You Prepared for Retirement — Think hard!
Best Places to Retire — Where to Hang Your Retirement Hat
Keep Your Wife Out of the Poorhouse
Retire Now — Don't Die Working
Retirement Newsmaker or Troublemaker?
It's a Great Time to Be Retired — There's So Much to Do!
Retire Before You Expire — Why Tempt Fate and Die Working?
There Is Life After Retirement
Retirement Allows You to Pursue Your First Love — Which Is to Live Life to the
Retire Early — Here's How!
Winning a Lottery — The Retirement Plan with the Most Bugs to Be Worked Out
It's a Great Time to Be Retired — Your Retirement Advantages!
10 Tough Retirement Questions
Does Your Retirement Plan Include Your Spouse? If It Doesn't, Be
Clear That She Is Not In My Retirement
9 Dumbest Retirement Moves
Retire Before You Expire! — Early Retirement May Be Good for You
Ready to Retire Happy — Get Real! (Surprise — Retiring Happy Isn't
All about Money)
Retiring Too Late Means You Don't Get Another Chance to Do It Right!
Retirement Planning Tip — Get More Serious about Leisure than about
7 Secrets to a Happy Retirement
Top 25 Reasons to Retire Early
- Some Interesting Facts That Will Help You Retire
10 Interesting Retirement Pursuits That Are Never Too Late to Undertake
Unless You Are Dead — See Surplus1 File in Real Success
The Best Country in the World for Taking Early Retirement (see also
10 Sure Ways to Put More Time into Your Life
What Wealthy and Weird Travelers Do for Kicks
The Best Famous Last Words Ever by Famous and Not-So-Famous People
Top 10 Clues to the Meaning of Life

Laugh often. Starting your day with a good laugh, or at least a big
smile, is as beneficial to your health as it is to your mood. Scientific studies at Northwestern University
and Fordham University concluded that laughter benefits the heart, lungs, stomach and other organs. It
relaxes tensions, changes attitude, and increases the body's natural painkillers. And it has no harmful
side effects.
— Harvey Mackay
The Ideal Retirement Plan: "Marry an old rich broad and wait for her to
— Ivan Wilson (commenting on an online article about retirment planning.)
When the majority of people get my age, once they retire and get
Social Security they lay on the couch and do nothing. The next thing you know, they're not with us any
— 77-year-old Retiree August Gonsoulin
Retirees have two choices: choose the couch — or choose life.
— Jane McBride
For a happy day, look for something bright and beautiful in nature.
Listen for a beautiful sound, speak a kind word to some person, and do something nice for someone without
their knowledge.
— Unknown 85-year-old Wise Retired Person
RETIRED: Now I have a life!
— Unknown wise person
The World's Best Book on How to Retire
by Ernie Zelinski
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of The World's Best Retire Happy Book
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